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Colehill First School

Year 1 – Foxes Class

Home Learning

Please login to your child's Google Classroom account by signing in to GMail with their login details.  You will need their Username and Password. These will have been sent via Parent Mail.

Google Classroom will include weekly home learning and opportunities to share celebrations of learning.

 Supplementary Activities to Support Learning At Home

Reading: Daily reading of Home Reading books, common exception words and a ‘reading for pleasure’ book (can be read by, with or to the children);

Handwriting practice: Using the letter formation guide in Home Learning Books, practise writing high frequency words and/or common exception words (perhaps 3-5 words at a time). Write these focus words into sentences (age appropriate). Children could also choose a poem to write up in their best handwriting and illustrate;

Phonics play activity time: for Year R, Year 1 and Year 2. Click here.

Times Tables practice: for Y2 (2s, 5s, 10s) Y3 (2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s) and Y4 (all) – see website link


Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s (forwards and backwards) from 0 for Y1 and Y2;

Counting in steps of any single digit number 3-9  (forwards and backwards) from any starting number 0-9 for Y3 and Y4;

Number Sense practice: number bonds to 10, 20 and 100; one more and less, 10 more and less; 100 more and 100 less.

Book reviews after the reading of a book - this could be extended to profile one or more of the main characters or even to draw a 'plot graph' showing the high and low points in the story.

Daily exercise: Twitter: @getset4PE (daily active task for the whole family to complete!)

Useful Websites to Support Learning At Home

Below is a list of useful websites with a brief description for each: : This logs on to Espresso as used in school. User name = student10906; password = colehill : This website has a wealth of book-banded e-books to read on a tablet or computer. There are also spelling, maths and times tables activities. It is free to register. : This website uses a range of pictures to give children great ideas for writing, whatever age they might be; : This website is a great way for children to practise maths skills while playing fun, maths-related games against classmates. The games are individualised for each child’s ability, so users play against opponents with the same skills. Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 children have individual logins for this website (stuck in Home Learning books); : This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Y2, Y3 and Y4 children have individual logins (see Home Learning Books); : This website has free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject; : A useful website for maths skills practice. : This website has interactive phonics games and ideas. : online art ideas and resources

PE ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES Online daily resources for KS1 AND KS2 Ideas to keep active at home : access to loads of online exercise platforms. : Weekly challenges - send in your video to earn points and compete. You can even get advice from experienced coaches! : A useful website to get children (and adults) moving with short interactive activities; : A useful website for yoga and mindfulness activities;

Twitter: @getset4PE (daily active task for the whole family to complete!)